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How to boost foot traffic through your office door

If you have invested in office space for your agency, it only makes sense to have it attractive to people going by, since this is likely to mean increased business. Consider for a moment – if you were looking for a coffee, would you choose to go into a café that appears untidy, unclean and generally unloved from the outside, or into the one next door which is clean, stylish and inviting?

A store that is aesthetically pleasing is more likely to attract the casual visitor, who may well feel that if you care enough to take pride in your workspace, there’s a high chance you take pride in your work too, so they can expect excellent results.

Here are some things you can do to boost foot traffic through your office door –

Give the office a makeover

If your office space is outdated or somewhat unkempt, a makeover will increase its visual quality and people will very likely feel better about looking around. Whether going for a homely feel or cutting edge style, consider hiring professional designers to help find the look to suit your situation. A corner where clients can sit and have a coffee, a flat screen monitor running virtual tours – these are changes you can make which distinguish your agency from others, and make it an easy place to visit.

If you’re moving store or starting anew, have a grand opening

Few things attract customers as powerfully as a grand opening, so make the first day in a new location as big a deal as possible. There are many different draw-cards associated with grand openings, such as food, door prizes, entertainment, etc making it a memorable day. The occasion can be a great time to make contact with the local market and begin developing relationships.

Plan other promotional events

The business may have been up and running for a while, but that doesn’t mean there’s no cause for celebrations that attract foot traffic. Any promotional event that draws attention can be effective. Events such as in-store raffles, giveaways (with effective promotion) or support for a community cause can receive attention, giving you better results.

Make your business newsworthy

Give people something to associate your business with, forming a positive mental bond, so the next time they walk past your business they think “oh, I saw such and such on TV”, and are more inclined to stop by. Media coverage - whether on the radio, television or in newspapers or magazines - will reach the vast majority of the local population. People generally like to support other “good” people, so selfless or truly worthy causes such as charities are good to get involved with.

Follow up your contacts

Promotional events are great for initial contact, but you need to leverage off that. Encourage foot traffic by staying in touch with customers – find out what specific features of your business they are interested in, and let them know whenever anything related comes up. Email newsletters, post cards, even SMS are all great ways of keeping in contact with current and potential clients.

Highlight customer service

A bricks-and-mortar business has something its mail-order and internet competitors don’t – a personal relationship with customers. A pleasing appearance and special events can be a great way of increasing foot traffic, but what increases repeat customers — and has them spreading the good word — is the product knowledge and enthusiasm that can only be conveyed face to face.

A product or service may reach more people over the web, but knowing your customers and what they value personally gives you the upper hand. Well cared-for relationships with customers can build a steady stream of foot traffic for the future.

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