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Smoothing out the cashflow bumps!

We are often asked to explain how can assist an agent. As the concept in Australia is relatively knew, it is not uncommon for a real estate agent to have had little or no experience with a service such as

The service we provide, in one form or another, has been around for three thousand years. In North America it dates back to as early as the American Revolution.

What we do is known as factoring, discounting, cash-flow or debtor finance. Put simply, however, all we do is sell accounts receivable at a discount, much in the same way you would sell a hard asset, such as a car, or a house.

Worldwide, factoring is used more than any other type of financing. Today, while most of the public does not understand it, they utilise it in their everyday lives.

The most common type of factoring transactions involve the use of MasterCard, Visa, or American Express Cards. In this instance the retailer creates a receivable, and then electronically sells the receivable to the credit card company at a discount.

Recently figures were released showing over 4500 business in Australia now use cash flow finance, this is an increase of approximately 500 businesses compared to last year. In terms of dollar amounts, $63 billion was turned over to end of June 2014.

So how can you as an agent benefit from factoring or a commission advance?

No more waiting 30, 60, or 90 days to receive your real estate commission. With our commission advance program, funding is available in less than 4 hours.

As an agent you have now have control over expenses and revenue.

A commission advance is not a loan. Therefore there is no debt repayment, no compromise to your balance sheet, no long-term agreements or delays associated with other methods of raising capital. A commission advance allows you to use your own hard earned assets to create cash for the growth needs of your company today.

Because there is no loan agreement between you and, your credit is not affected.

As a Principal, offering a commission advance program is a useful tool in attracting and retaining salespeople, enabling the sales person to take the peaks and valleys out of the real estate sales profession.

All business fees are tax deductible if funds are used for business purposes.

Funds can be used to cover salaries for staff, promotional campaigns or simply office overheads.

By removing the headaches of juggling cash flow, cash flow financing frees up your time to focus on doing what you do best... making sales.

For more information contact us on 1300 667 286 or log onto .

It’s your money, so get paid NOW!

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