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Real Estate Content: How to Create Content That Sets You Apart

Working as a real estate agent means that, while you're able to close a deal in an hour and find the best properties around, communicating your abilities to your clients through the written word may not be something you're good at -- but it is an essential part of growing your business and getting your name out there. If you don't have the time or the writing strength to write your own copy, contact us at Commission Flow to connect with a professional real estate writer who can create unique and effective content -- fast. Beef up your website, learn how to represent yourself well in written materials, flyers, and perhaps even a personal blog showcasing your success stories in real estate. If you're convinced you want to try to improve your writing skills yourself and create your own content, here are a few things to keep in mind: Know What You Want To Say Everything you write should have a clear message, and that message should be conveyed in an up-front, concise way. Your clients don't have time to read through filler paragraphs when they're just waiting for you to get to the point. This is especially important on website copy, where clients are looking for the most important information up front. Don't waste your time and that of your clients -- get your message across immediately. Structure Your Ideas Make sure your content is clean and looks easy-to-read on the page. Everyone is turned off by long blocks of texts, so be sure to break up your paragraphs, whether with photographs or subheadings, so that your clients can find the information they need quickly. Make sure your content is easy to navigate, with topics clearly stated. Less Filling! Once you've written the first draft of your copy, the first thing you should do is look for what you can cut. Filler words like "really" and "very" don't add anything and just make paragraphs look longer and more intimidating. And remember to keep your ego off the page -- clients don't want to read your brag sheet. Make A Connection A reader could leave at any moment, so you have to keep them engaged. It's important to start with a strong "hook" that makes them want to stick with you, whether through a personal anecdote or a success story, but your best foot forward -- and up front in the copy. It's also crucial to empathize with your reader. Put yourself in their shoes, and write what you think they want to know. Think about common questions and problems you hear from clients, and address those in your copy. What Sets You Apart Many writers can get so bogged down on explaining the details of their agency, that they forget to say what's great about working with them personally. Think about what makes you different and better -- why should they pick you as opposed to another agent? What makes a property so unique? Writing convincing copy is a huge part of making the sale. While the features of a home could be a three-car garage or a chrome kitchen, the benefits, like "ideal for a chef" or "perfect for working long afternoons on restoring your car" help clients to imagine what life would be like in your property. Make Them Contact You Why bother to write at all if you don't want to remind your readers to reach out to you? There are ways to include a call-to-action phrase without sounding gimmicky or desperate. Offer ways you can be reached, at what time, and who your ideal client is. Make sure that your client not only has a variety of ways to reach out, but also that it's encouraged for them to do so.


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